Dylan and Max talk about their experiences flying at the airlines and charter during the holiday season [1:00]. Dylan and Max plug their upcoming Dec 23 appearance on the ‘Ready for Takeoff Podcast’ [7:42]. Wheels Up VP Sean McGeough calls in and shares his fascinating aviation background [9:36]. Sean talks about the announced Wheels Up/Delta Private Jets Merger [14:30]. Dylan asks Sean where he sees the charter market going in the next 5 years [17:50]. Sean talks about his time at Nextant Aerospace and Aerion Supersonic [27:48]. Sean tells a hilarious story about a high-profile passenger mixup [41:06]. Tom, Dylan’s dad, joins the show to recap his unique approach to promoting the 21.Five show [46:00].
Episode resources:
Sean McGeough can be reached via email at smcgeough@wheelsup.com
or at 646.727.7754
Max and Dylan will be appearing on Dr. George Nolly’s Ready For Takeoff podcast on December 23rd.
For the remainder of the year, Harvey Watt is offering up to $150k of life insurance to pilots and their spouses with no medical exam and no exclusions (except suicide, which is removed after 2 years). Just answer a brief health questionnaire to enroll. Click here for all the details
Do you have feedback, suggestions, or a great aviation story to share? Email us info@21fivepodcast.com Check out our Instagram feed @21FivePodcast for more great content and to see our collection of aviation license plates.
